Source code for pysit.core.receivers

import itertools

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spsp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .mesh_representation import MeshRepresentationBase, PointRepresentationBase

__all__ = ['PointReceiver', 'ReceiverSet']

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

class ReceiverBase(object):

    def __init__(self, time_window=None, directwave_muting=None, **kwargs):

        self.ts = None
        self.interpolator = None
        self._data = None

        # time_window is an n-tuple, n[0] is the type, and any remaining entries are type dependent.
        if time_window is None:
            self._time_window = ('None',)
            self._time_window = time_window

#       # directwave_muting is an n-tuple, n[0] is the type, and any remaining entries are type dependent.
#       if directwave_muting is None:
#           self._directwave_muting = ('None',)
#       else:
#           self._directwave_muting = directwave_muting

    def set_shot(self,shot):

    def get_receiver_count(self):
        return 1
    receiver_count = property(get_receiver_count, None, None, None)

    def get_data(self):
        return self._data
    def set_data(self, ndata):
        self._data = ndata
    data = property(get_data, set_data, None, None)

    def clear_data(self, length):
        raise NotImplementedError('\'clear_data\' method must be implemented by subclass.')

    def sample_data_from_array(self, p, k=None, data=None):
        raise NotImplementedError('\'sample_data_from_array\' method must be implemented by subclass.')

    def extend_data_to_array(self, k, resid=False, data=None):
        raise NotImplementedError('\'extend_data_to_array\' method must be implemented by subclass.')

    def reset_time_series(self, ts):
        """Rebuilds the interpolation object for a new time series.

        ts : ndarray
            The time series to reset things around.


        self.ts = ts

        self.interpolator = interp1d(ts, np.zeros_like(, axis=0, kind='linear', copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)

    def compute_data_dft(self, frequencies):
        raise NotImplementedError('\'compute_data_dft\' method must be implemented by subclass.')

    def interpolate_data(self, ts):
        """Interpolates the stored measured data to a new time series.

        ts : float or ndarray
            Time(s) at which to interpolate the measured data to.


        # Get a local reference to the shot's interpolation function
        interp = self.interpolator

        if interp is not None:
            # Reset the y data reference for the interpolator to use the data
            # for the current receiver. The default scipy interpolator uses x
            # for the time series and y = f(x), so y is the data to interpolate.
            interp.y = # this is how things are needed for pre-0.12 scipy
            interp._y = # fix for a regression error in scipy 0.12
            d = interp(ts)

            if self._time_window[0] != 'None':
                d *= self.time_window(ts)
#           if self._directwave_muting[0] != 'None':
#               d *= self.directwave_mute(ts)

            return d

            raise TypeError('Interpolator has not been defined for the current receiver.')

    def time_window(self, ts):

        window_type = self._time_window[0]

        if window_type == 'Box':
            lb = self._time_window[1]
            rb = self._time_window[2]
            if lb is None:
                res = 1.0*(ts < rb)
            elif rb is None:
                res = 1.0*(ts > lb)
                res = 1.0*((ts > lb) & (ts < rb))
        elif window_type == 'Gaussian':
            t0 = self._time_window[1]
            s = self._time_window[2]
            res = np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2 / s**2)
        else: #if window_type == 'None':
            res = 1.0

        return res

#   def directwave_mute(self, ts):
#       window_type = self._directwave_muting[0]
#       if window_type == 'Box':
#           lb = self._directwave_muting[1]
#           res = 1.0*(ts > lb)
##      elif window_type == 'Gaussian':
##          t0 = self._time_window[1]
##          s = self._time_window[2]
##          res = np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2 / s**2)
#       else: #if window_type == 'None':
#           res = 1.0
#       return res

    # For subclasses to implement.
    def serialize_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def unserialize_dict(self, d):
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class PointReceiver(PointRepresentationBase, ReceiverBase): """Subclass of PointRepresentationBase and ReceiverBase for representing a seismic receiver on a grid. Attributes ---------- mesh : pysit.Mesh Inherited from base class. domain : pysit.Domain Inherited from base class. position : tuple of float Inherited from base class. sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix Inherited from base class. adjoint_sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix Inherited from base class. data : numpy.ndarray Array of seismic data. Methods ------- sample_data_from_array(p, k, m, data=None, record_interpolation='nearest') Record data from array p at point self.pos at time index k. extend_data_to_array(k, resid=False, data=None) Puts `[k]` or `data[k]` or `[k]-data[k]` on the grid. """ def __init__(self, mesh, pos, **kwargs): """Constructor for the PointReceiver class. Parameters ---------- mesh : pysit.Mesh Computation domain on which the source is defined. position : tuple of float Coordinates of the point in the physical coordinates of the domain. **kwargs : dict, optional May be used to specify `approximation` and `approximation_width` to base class. """ # Populate parameters from the base class. PointRepresentationBase.__init__(self, mesh, pos, **kwargs) ReceiverBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.data_dft = dict()
[docs] def clear_data(self, data_length): """Generate an empty data array of appropriate length. Parameters ---------- data_length : int Length of the data array. """ = np.zeros((data_length,1)) self.data_dft = dict()
[docs] def sample_data_from_array(self, arr, k=None, nu=None, data=None): """Generate an empty data array of appropriate length. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray Array of values on domain. k : int, optional Time-index of data to record. If none, recored data are returned. data : numpy.ndarray, optional Optional storage location for recorded data. Notes ----- `k` is the index into the data array. It is up to the programmer accessing this to ensure that `k` corresponds to the correct `t`. Providing the optional data argument will store the result in the provided array, rather than """ if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': v = self.sampling_operator * arr v = v[0,0] else: v =, arr) # for numpy arrays v = v[0,0] time_ = k is not None and nu is None freq_ = k is None and nu is not None bail_ = k is not None and nu is not None if bail_: ValueError('Both k and nu cannot be specified.') if time_: if k is not None: if data is None:[k] = v else: data[k] = v elif freq_: if data is None: self.data_dft[nu] = v else: data[nu] = v else: return v
[docs] def extend_data_to_array(self, k=None, resid=False, data=None): """Place data on the grid using the specified numerical delta approximation. This routine is designed to help form right-hand-side vectors for the wave equation. Parameters ---------- k : int Time-index of data to place on the grid. resid : bool, optional Compute with - data. data : numpy.ndarray, optional Optional source location for data. Notes ----- `k` is the index into the data array. It is up to the programmer accessing this to ensure that `k` corresponds to the correct `t`. Providing the optional data argument will read the source from the provided array, rather than Setting `resid` to `True` will place the difference of data and on the grid, rather than data or """ if k is not None: if(data is None): d =[k] else: if(resid==True): d = ([k] - data[k]) else: d = data[k] elif data is not None: d = data if self._time_window[0] != 'None': d *= self.time_window(self.ts[k]) # if self._directwave_muting[0] != 'None': # d *= self.directwave_mute(self.ts[k]) if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*d).toarray().reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*d).reshape(self.mesh.shape())
[docs] def compute_data_dft(self, frequencies, force_computation=False): """ Precompute the DFT of the data at the given list of frequencies. Parameters ---------- frequencies : float, iterable The frequency or frequencies for which to compute the DFT. force_computation : bool {optional} Force computation of DFT. By default already computed frequencies are not recomputed. Notes ----- * These computed values are not passed down the line to other receivers in the set. """ for nu in frequencies: if force_computation or (nu not in self.data_dft): self.data_dft[nu] = 0.0 if self.ts is not None: dt = self.ts[1]-self.ts[0] for t,k in zip(self.ts, itertools.count()): for nu in frequencies: if force_computation or (nu not in self.data_dft): self.data_dft[nu] +=[k]**2*np.pi*nu*t)*dt
[docs] def serialize_dict(self, i=None): ret = dict() ret['approximation'] = self.approximation ret['approximation_width'] = self.approximation_width ret['approximation_deviations'] = self.approximation_deviations if i is None: ret['data'] = ret['data_status'] = 'actual' ret['ts'] = self.ts else: ret['data'] = i ret['data_status'] = 'column reference' ret['position'] = np.array(self.position) ret['receiver_count'] = self.receiver_count return ret
[docs] def unserialize_dict(self, d): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ReceiverSet(MeshRepresentationBase, ReceiverBase): """Subclass of list and ReceiverBase for representing a set of seismic receivers on a mesh. This is currently a very simple extension of list. In the future, this must include overrides of all of the basic list functionality, so that operations like appending and inserting correctly handle changes in the data storage and operations like __getslice__ returns another receiver set. Attributes ---------- sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix Linear operator describing how the set of receivers is represented on a mesh. adjoint_sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix The adjoint of the sampling operator. data : numpy.ndarray Array of seismic data. Methods ------- sample_data_from_array(p, k, m, data=None, record_interpolation='nearest') Record data from array p at point self.pos at time index k. extend_data_to_array(k, resid=False, data=None) Puts `[k]` or `data[k]` or `[k]-data[k]` on the grid. """ def __init__(self, mesh, receivers, **kwargs): """Constructor for the PointSource class. Parameters ---------- mesh : pysit.Mesh Computation domain on which the source is defined. position : tuple of float Coordinates of the point in the physical coordinates of the domain. **kwargs : dict, optional May be used to specify `approximation` and `approximation_width` to base class. """ self.receiver_list = receivers # Populate parameters from the base class. ReceiverBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) MeshRepresentationBase.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs) # time_window is an n-tuple, n[0] is the type, and any remaining entries are type dependent. self._time_window = ('Set',) # for special handling of ReceiverSets # # directwave_muting is an n-tuple, n[0] is the type, and any remaining entries are type dependent. # self._directwave_muting = ('Set',) # for special handling of ReceiverSets # Create the basis array if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': self.sampling_operator = spsp.vstack([r.sampling_operator for r in self.receiver_list]) self.adjoint_sampling_operator = spsp.hstack([r.adjoint_sampling_operator for r in self.receiver_list]) else: # dense self.sampling_operator = np.vstack([r.sampling_operator for r in self.receiver_list]) self.adjoint_sampling_operator = np.hstack([r.adjoint_sampling_operator for r in self.receiver_list]) self.data_dft = dict()
[docs] def set_shot(self,shot): self.shot=shot for r in self.receiver_list: r.set_shot(shot)
[docs] def get_receiver_count(self): return sum([r.receiver_count for r in self.receiver_list])
receiver_count = property(get_receiver_count, None, None, None)
[docs] def clear_data(self, data_length): """Generate an empty data array of appropriate length. Parameters ---------- data_length : int Length of the data array. """ = np.zeros((data_length, self.receiver_count)) self.data_dft = dict()
[docs] def get_data(self): return self._data
[docs] def set_data(self, ndata): self._data = ndata count = 0 for r in self.receiver_list: = self._data[:,count:count+r.receiver_count] count += r.receiver_count
data = property(get_data, set_data, None, None)
[docs] def get_interpolator(self): return self._interpolator
[docs] def set_interpolator(self, interpolator): self._interpolator = interpolator for r in self.receiver_list: r.interpolator = interpolator
interpolator = property(get_interpolator, set_interpolator, None, None)
[docs] def sample_data_from_array(self, arr, k=None, nu=None, data=None): """Generate an empty data array of appropriate length. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray Array of values on domain. k : int, optional Time-index of data to record. If none, recored data are returned. data : numpy.ndarray, optional Optional storage location for recorded data. Notes ----- `k` is the index into the data array. It is up to the programmer accessing this to ensure that `k` corresponds to the correct `t`. Providing the optional data argument will store the result in the provided array, rather than """ if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': v = self.sampling_operator * arr v.shape = 1,v.size else: v =, arr) #numpy arrays, not matrices v.shape = 1,v.size time_ = k is not None and nu is None freq_ = k is None and nu is not None bail_ = k is not None and nu is not None if bail_: ValueError('Both k and nu cannot be specified.') if time_: if k is not None: if data is None:[k,:] = v else: data[k,:] = v elif freq_: if data is None: self.data_dft[nu] = v else: data[nu] = v else: return v
[docs] def extend_data_to_array(self, k=None, resid=False, data=None): """Place data on the grid using the specified numerical delta approximation. This routine is designed to help form right-hand-side vectors for the wave equation. Parameters ---------- k : int Time-index of data to place on the grid. resid : bool, optional Compute with - data. data : numpy.ndarray, optional Optional source location for data. Notes ----- `k` is the index into the data array. It is up to the programmer accessing this to ensure that `k` corresponds to the correct `t`. Providing the optional data argument will read the source from the provided array, rather than Setting `resid` to `True` will place the difference of data and on the grid, rather than data or """ if k is not None: if(data is None): d =[k,:] else: if(resid==True): d = ([k,:] - data[k,:]) else: d = data[k,:] #.copy() elif data is not None: d = data if self._time_window[0] != 'None': pass # d *= self.time_window(self.ts[k]) ## FIXME # if self._directwave_muting[0] != 'None': # d *= self.directwave_mute(self.ts[k]) d.shape = d.size,1 if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*d).reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: return,d).reshape(self.mesh.shape())
[docs] def time_window(self, ts): return np.array([r.time_window(ts) for r in self.receiver_list]).T
# def directwave_mute(self, ts): # # return np.array([r.directwave_mute(ts) for r in self.receiver_list]).T
[docs] def compute_data_dft(self, frequencies, force_computation=False): """ Precompute the DFT of the data at the given list of frequencies. Parameters ---------- frequencies : float, iterable The frequency or frequencies for which to compute the DFT. force_computation : bool {optional} Force computation of DFT. By default already computed frequencies are not recomputed. Notes ----- * These computed values are not passed down the line to other receivers in the set. """ reset=dict() for nu in frequencies: if force_computation or (nu not in self.data_dft): self.data_dft[nu] = np.zeros(self.receiver_count, dtype=np.complex) reset[nu] = True else: reset[nu] = False if self.ts is not None: dt = self.ts[1]-self.ts[0] for t,k in zip(self.ts, itertools.count()): for nu in frequencies: if reset[nu]: self.data_dft[nu] +=[k,:]*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*nu*t)*dt
[docs] def serialize_dict(self): ret = dict() ret['data'] = ret['receiver_count'] = self.receiver_count ret['ts'] = self.ts recdicts = np.zeros(self.receiver_count, dtype=np.object) for rec,i in zip(self.receiver_list, itertools.count()): recdicts[i] = rec.serialize_dict(i) ret['receivers'] = np.array(recdicts) return ret
[docs] def unserialize_dict(self, d): raise NotImplementedError()