Source code for pysit.core.shot

import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spsp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pysit.core.sources import *

# The names from this namespace that we wish to expose globally go here.
__all__ = ['Shot', 'SourceEncodedSupershot']

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class Shot(object): """ Container class for a seismic shot. The `Shot` class provides a logical grouping of seismic sources with receivers. This class may be refactored so that it is a base class for subclasses like SuperShot, SyntheticShot, SegyShot, ProductionShot, etc. Attributes ---------- sources : subclass of SourceBase Source or set of source objects. receivers : subclass of ReceiverBase Receiver or set of receiver objects. """ def __init__(self, sources, receivers): """Constructor for the Shot class. Parameters ---------- source : SeismicSource Object representing the source emitter. receiver_list : list of SeismicReceiver, optional Initial list of receivers. Examples -------- >>> from pysit import * >>> d = Domain() >>> S = Shot(SeismicSource(d, (0.5,0.5))) """ self.receivers = receivers receivers.set_shot(self) self.sources = sources sources.set_shot(self) # # This is a function/function object, not an attribute. # self._interpolator = None # self._ts = None # def add_receiver(self, r): # """Wrapper for list.append. # Parameters # ---------- # r : SeismicReceiver # r is appended to self.receiver_list. # """ # self.receiver_list.append(r) # r.set_shot(self)
[docs] def initialize(self, data_length): """Clear the data from each receiver in the list of receivers. Parameters ---------- data_length : int Length of the desired data array. """ self.receivers.clear_data(data_length)
[docs] def reset_time_series(self, ts): self.sources.reset_time_series(ts) self.receivers.reset_time_series(ts)
[docs] def compute_data_dft(self, frequencies, force_computation=False): """ Precompute the DFT of the data at the given list of frequencies. Parameters ---------- frequencies : float, iterable The frequency or frequencies for which to compute the DFT. force_computation : bool {optional} Force computation of DFT. By default already computed frequencies are not recomputed. """ self.receivers.compute_data_dft(frequencies)
[docs] def gather(self, as_array=False, offset=None): """Collect a sub list of receivers or an array of the data from those receivers. Parameters ---------- as_array : bool, optional Return the data from the selected receivers as an array, rather than returning a list of selected receivers. offset : float or int, optional Not implemented. Will eventually allow an offset to be passed so that reduced sized gathers can be collected. Returns ------- sublist : list of SeismicReceiver If as_array is False, list of references to the selected receivers. A : numpy.ndarray If as_array is True, an array of the data from the selected receivers. """ if offset is not None: # sublist = something that sublists by offset raise NotImplementedError('Gather by offset not yet implemented.') else: sublist = self.receivers if as_array: A = #np.array([ for r in sublist]) return A else: return sublist
[docs] def serialize_dict(self): ret = dict() ret['dt'] = self.dt ret['t_start'] = self.trange[0] ret['t_end'] = self.trange[1] ret['sources'] = self.sources.serialize_dict() ret['receivers'] = self.receivers.serialize_dict() return ret
[docs] def unserialize_dict(self, d): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SourceEncodedSupershot(Shot): """ A source encoded supershot. The `SourceEncodedSupershot` class handles the encoding of the sources of each shot and the recorded 'real data'. Each time the weight_vector is regenerated, this supershot generates a new encoded SourceSet from the sources of the member shots. A new ReceiverSet is also generated and its recordings are generated by encoding the receiver recordings of each shot. Attributes ---------- shots : subclass of Shot A shot with a PointSource source """ def __init__(self, shots, weight_type = 'gaussian'): #Set the shots to 'self.sequential_shots'. This will invoke the setter, which will generate the first weight vector. self.weight_type = weight_type self.sequential_shots = shots
[docs] def generate_weight_vector(self): if self.weight_type == "gaussian": weight_vector = np.random.randn(self._nshots) elif self.weight_type == "krebs": weight_vector = 2*np.random.random_integers(0,1,self._nshots) - 1 #values that are either -1 or 1 with equal likelihood. else: raise Exception("Incorrect weight type supplied.") return weight_vector
[docs] def encode(self): """ Do a new encoding. Calling this function will generate a new random vector of weight_type. It then encodes the shots and data according to these new weights. """ class EncodedSourceSet(SourceSet): """ A SourceSet that encodes the member sources. """ def __init__(self, mesh, sources, time_coded=True, **kwargs): """ Creates a SourceSet the normal way, but also indicates whether coding is happening on time or frequency basis. """ super().__init__(self, mesh, sources, **kwargs) self.time_coded = time_coded if not time_coded: = dict() #To allow for a different code at every frequency def f(self, t=0.0, nu=None, **kwargs): #Decorate here ret = None if self.time_coded and nu == None: #We already set the codes in encode(). They have not changed, so no need to reapply. ret = super().f(self, t, nu, **kwargs ) elif not self.time_coded and nu != None: #Set the codes for this frequency. Not much of an overhead since no timestepping. #In contrast to a time simulation, the intensity (used for code) has to be set again each time frequencies are varied. Each frequency can have a different code. for source_nr in range(self.source_count): source = self.source_list[source_nr] source.intensity =[nu][source_nr] ret = super().f(self, t, nu, **kwargs ) else: raise Exception("Something strange happened") return ret def encode(self, codes, nu=None): """ If no nu applied, code is interpreted as time code codes: An ndarray with length equal to the number of sources. nu: The frequency at which the codes are applied, in case of a frequency domain simulation. """ if self.time_coded and nu == None: #Time domain. is an ndarray or list with length equal to the number of sources = codes #Set the codes here already. Applying them at each time step when f() is called is an overhead. for source_nr in range(self.source_count): source = self.source_list[source_nr] source.intensity =[source_nr] elif not self.time_coded and nu != None: #Freq domain. is a dict. At every frequency it has an ndarray or list with length equal to the number of sources[nu] = codes else: #Some inconsistency raise Exception("Something strange happened") #In the future it should be possible to select a random shot to fire (so weight vector has one single '1' location and the rest is '0'. This would implement randomized shot in an easy way. #See the paper "Fast waveform inversion without source-encoding" by Van Leeuwen and Herrmann, 2013, and "A new optimization approach for source-encoding full-waveform inversion" by moghaddam et al, 2013 #Even though the methods are very similar, the randomized shot allows for non-fixed-spread acquisition as well. So a different method should probably be written. shots = self._sequential_shots #Prepare the source list which will be used to make the encoded SourceSet sources = [] for shot in shots: source = copy.deepcopy(shot.sources) source.set_shot(None) sources.append(source) #Generate the encoded SourceSet. The actual encoding weights are supplied in the loop below. mesh = shots[0].sources.mesh enc_sourceset = EncodedSourceSet(mesh, sources, time_coded = self.is_time_simulation) enc_sourceset.set_shot(self) #Make the encoded ReceiverSet by encoding the data in each ReceiverSet. #We already verified that each ReceiverSet has the same sampling operator. #Encode both SourceSets and receivers in loop receiver_set = copy.deepcopy(shots[0].receivers) #Initialize by copying one, then reset data. receiver_set.set_shot(self) if self.is_time_simulation:*=0.0 #clear time data codes = self.generate_weight_vector() #generate encoding #now encode and add contributions from each receiver set for shot, code in zip(shots,codes.tolist()): ### ENCODE RECEIVERS ### += code* enc_sourceset.encode(codes) else: for freq in shots[0].receivers.data_dft: #Encode every frequency the same way. Perhaps I should encode each frequency differently to increase randomness? receiver_set.data_dft[freq]*= 0 #clear frequency data codes = self.generate_weight_vector() #generate different encoding for each frequency #now encode and add contributions from each receiver set for shot, code in zip(shots,codes.tolist()): ### ENCODE RECEIVERS ### receiver_set.data_dft[freq] += code*shot.receivers.data_dft[freq] enc_sourceset.encode(codes, nu=freq) #Now make the SourceSet from the list of sources: self.sources = enc_sourceset self.receivers = receiver_set
@property def sequential_shots(self): return self._sequential_shots @sequential_shots.setter def sequential_shots(self, shots): """ Set a list of sequential shots. The list of sequential shots is used to create an encoded simultaneous source. """ #Verify that each shot has a 'PointSource' source for shot in shots: if type(shot.sources) != PointSource: raise Exception("The shots have to have a PointSource as source.") #Verify that we have a fixed-spread acquisition (Receiver locations are the same for each shot in 'shots') #Also verify they have the same grid representation (delta, gaussian etc). receiverset_sampling_operator = shots[0].receivers.sampling_operator receiver_approximation_type = shots[0].receivers.receiver_list[0].approximation #'gaussian' or 'delta' for instance. for shot in shots: if np.abs(shot.receivers.sampling_operator - receiverset_sampling_operator).nnz != 0: #Inequality check sparse matrix not implemented. This is workaround. raise Exception("The receiver acquisition has to be the same for each shot in order to construct a supershot.") for receiver in shot.receivers.receiver_list: #assuming we have a ReceiverSet and not a single PointReceiver. I think this check is redundant when the sampling operators are identical. if receiver.approximation != receiver_approximation_type: raise Exception("The receiver approximations are not the same. An encoded stack would make no sense.") self._sequential_shots = shots self._fixed_spread_sampling_operator = receiverset_sampling_operator #Can be used for verification when we construct the ReceiverSet with encoded data. Should have same sampling operator. self._receiver_approximation = receiver_approximation_type self._nshots = len(shots) #See if time or frequency data has been recorded by the ReceiverSets. Do this by checking one receiver set self.is_time_simulation = True #Initialize: if shots[0] is None: if shots[0].receivers.data_dft == {}: raise Exception("No time or frequency data recorded yet.") self.is_time_simulation = False self.encode() #This will generate a randomized weighting vector. When setting this vector an encoded SourceSet and ReceiverSet are created.
#if __name__ == '__main__': # # from pysit import * #Domain, PML, RickerWavelet, ReceiverSet, PointReceiver, PointSource, WaveSolverAcousticSecondOrder2D, generate_seismic_data # from import horizontal_reflector # import time # # pmlx = PML(0.1, 100) # pmlz = PML(0.1, 100) # # x_config = (0.1, 1.0, 90, pmlx, pmlx) # z_config = (0.1, 0.8, 70, pmlz, pmlz) # # d = Domain( (x_config, z_config) ) # # M, C0, C = horizontal_reflector(d) # # xmax = d.x.rbound_true # nx = d.x.n_true # zmin = d.z.lbound_true # zmax = d.z.rbound_true # # f = RickerWavelet(25.0) # # ws = PointSource(d, (0.5, 0.5), f) # ws2 = PointSource(d, (0.5, 0.5), f, source_approximation='delta') # # Nshots = 1 # shots = [] # # for i in xrange(Nshots): # # # Define source location and type # source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(25.0)) # # # Define set of receivers # zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax # xpos = np.reshape(d.generate_grid(sparse=True,exclude_pml=True)[0], (nx,)) # receivers = [PointReceiver(d, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos[::3]] #receivers every 3 nodes # # # Create and store the shot # shot = Shot(source, ReceiverSet(d, receivers)) # shots.append(shot) # # solver_fd_cpp = WaveSolverAcousticSecondOrder2D(d, (0.,0.3), model_parameters={'C': C}, gradient_method='fd', time_step_implementation='c++') # # print('Generating data FD C++...') # tt = time.time() # # ps_fd_cpp = None # ps_fd_cpp = [] # generate_seismic_data(shots, solver_fd_cpp, ps=ps_fd_cpp) # print 'Data generation: {0}s'.format(time.time()-tt) # # import pickle # # with open('foo.pkl','w') as output: ## pickle.dump(receivers, output) # pickle.dump(source, output) #