Source code for pysit.core.wave_source

import math

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['SourceWaveletBase', 'DerivativeGaussianPulse', 'RickerWavelet', 'GaussianPulse', 'WhiteNoiseSource']

_sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2.0)

def _arrayify(arg):
    if not np.iterable(arg):
        return True, np.array([arg])
        return False, np.asarray(arg)

[docs]class SourceWaveletBase(object): """ Base class for source wavelets or profile functions. This is implemented as a function object, so the magic happens in the `__call__` member function. Methods ------- __call__(self, t=None, nu=None, **kwargs) """ @property def time_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in time domain.""" return False @property def frequency_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in frequency domain.""" return False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('')
[docs] def __call__(self, t=None, nu=None, **kwargs): """Callable object method for the seismic sources. Parameters ---------- t : float, array-like Time(s) at which to evaluate wavelet. nu : float, array-like, optional Frequency(ies), in Hz, at which to evaluate wavelet. """ if t is not None: if self.time_source: return self._evaluate_time(t) else: raise TypeError('Sources of type {0} are not time-domain sources.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) elif nu is not None: if self.frequency_source: return self._evaluate_frequency(nu) else: raise TypeError('Sources of type {0} are not time-domain sources.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) else: raise ValueError('Either a time or frequency must be provided.')
[docs]class DerivativeGaussianPulse(SourceWaveletBase): """ Pulse as the n-th derivative of a Gaussian. Defined in the notation of the Ricker wavelet shown here [1]_. Provides arbitrary wavelets as the n-th derivative of Gaussian functions in both time and in frequency. Attributes ---------- peak_frequency : float Frequency at which the Ricker wavelet is centered. order : integer, optional Specifies which derivative to use, 0th is default. threshold : float, optional Drop tolerance for evaluation. shift_deviations : float, optional Number of standard deviations of the base Gaussian to time shift wavelet. t_shift : float, optional Time shift from zero; overrides shift_deviations. Notes ----- The notation is slightly non-standard in order to preserve correspondance with [1]_. However, the definitions in time and in frequency are indeed internally consistent. References ---------- .. [1] N. Ricker, "The form and laws of propagation of seismic wavelets," Geophysics, vol. 18, pp. 10-40, 1953. """ precomputed_values_t = dict() #Shared amongst instances of class. Right now only for time domain, because this computes it at every timestep. #This vastly improves the performance of source encoded supershots, as many source evaluations are required each timestep. @property def time_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in time domain.""" return True @property def frequency_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in frequency domain.""" return True def __init__(self, peak_frequency, order=0, threshold=1e-6, shift_deviations=6, t_shift=None): self.order = order self.peak_frequency = peak_frequency self.threshold = threshold self.shift_deviations = shift_deviations nu = peak_frequency self.sigma = 1/(math.pi*nu*_sqrt2) if t_shift is None: self.t_shift = self.shift_deviations*self.sigma else: self.t_shift = t_shift poly_coeffs = (order)*[0.0]+[1.0] self._hermite = np.polynomial.Hermite(poly_coeffs) def _evaluate_time(self, ts): # Vectorize the time list ts_was_not_array, ts = _arrayify(ts) n = self.order v = [] for t in ts: if (t,self.sigma,self.t_shift,self.threshold) not in DerivativeGaussianPulse.precomputed_values_t: #Not precomputed x = (t-self.t_shift)/(_sqrt2*self.sigma) c = (-1/_sqrt2)**n _v = c*self._hermite(x)*np.exp(-(x**2)) if np.abs(_v) < self.threshold: _v = 0.0 DerivativeGaussianPulse.precomputed_values_t[t,self.sigma,self.t_shift,self.threshold] = _v v.append(DerivativeGaussianPulse.precomputed_values_t[t,self.sigma,self.t_shift,self.threshold]) return v[0] if ts_was_not_array else np.array(v) def _evaluate_frequency(self, nus): # Vectorize the frequency list nus_was_not_array, nus = _arrayify(nus) omegas = 2*np.pi*nus n = self.order shift = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*nus*self.t_shift) a = (-1)**n b = (1j*omegas)**n c = self.sigma**(n+1) d = math.sqrt(2*np.pi) v = d*a*b*c*np.exp(-0.5*(self.sigma**2) * omegas**2)*shift v[np.abs(v) < self.threshold] = 0.0 return v[0] if nus_was_not_array else v
[docs]class RickerWavelet(DerivativeGaussianPulse): """ Canonical example source wavelet. The Ricker wavelet is the negative 2nd derivative of a Gaussian [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] N. Ricker, "The form and laws of propagation of seismic wavelets," Geophysics, vol. 18, pp. 10-40, 1953. """ # Not allowed to change the order for the RickerWavelet. @property def order(self): return 2 @order.setter def order(self, n): pass def __init__(self, nu, **kwargs): DerivativeGaussianPulse.__init__(self, nu, order=self.order, **kwargs) def _evaluate_time(self, ts): return -1*DerivativeGaussianPulse._evaluate_time(self, ts) def _evaluate_frequency(self, nus): return -1*DerivativeGaussianPulse._evaluate_frequency(self, nus)
[docs]class GaussianPulse(DerivativeGaussianPulse): """ 0th derivative of the Gaussian""" # Not allowed to change the order for the RickerWavelet. @property def order(self): return 0 @order.setter def order(self, n): pass def __init__(self, nu, **kwargs): DerivativeGaussianPulse.__init__(self, nu, order=self.order, **kwargs)
[docs]class WhiteNoiseSource(SourceWaveletBase): """ Random wavelet. Notes ----- Do not use for both time and frequency simultaneously, as realizations are not coherent. """ @property def time_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in time domain.""" return True @property def frequency_source(self): """bool, Indicates if wavelet is defined in frequency domain.""" return True def __init__(self, seed=None, variance=1.0, **kwargs): # time domain storage, of dubious merit for implementing in this manner. self._f = dict() # frequency domain storage self._f_hat = dict() self.seed = seed if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # This is currently ignored. self.variance = variance def _evaluate_time(self, ts): # Vectorize the time list ts_was_not_array, ts = _arrayify(ts) v = list() for t in ts: if t not in self._f: self._f[t] = self.variance*(np.random.randn()) v.append(self._f[t]) return v[0] if ts_was_not_array else np.array(v) def _evaluate_frequency(self, nus): # Vectorize the frequency list nus_was_not_array, nus = _arrayify(nus) v = list() for nu in nus: if nu not in self._f_hat: self._f_hat[nu] = self.variance*(np.random.randn() + np.random.randn()*1j) v.append(self._f_hat[nu]) return v[0] if nus_was_not_array else np.array(v)