Source code for

import copy
import tarfile
import os
import os.path
import itertools
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal

from pysit.util.image_processing import blur_image
from import GeneratedGalleryModel

from pysit import * #PML, Domain

__all__ = ['LayeredMediumModel', 'layered_medium', 'Layer']

[docs]class Layer(object): def __init__(self, velocity, thickness, label=None, fixed=False): self.velocity = velocity self.thickness = thickness self.label = label self.fixed = fixed
_air = Layer(300.0, 30, 'air', fixed=True) _water = Layer(1500.0, 120, 'water', fixed=True) _rock = Layer(3200.0, 1800, 'rock') water_rock = [_water, _rock] _rock_velocitys = [-288.0, -150.0, -36.0, -18.0, -90.0, 360.0, -60.0, -450.0, 0.0, 78.0] water_layered_rock = [_water] + [Layer(s+3300, 180, 'rock {0}'.format(i)) for s,i in zip(_rock_velocitys, itertools.count())]
[docs]class LayeredMediumModel(GeneratedGalleryModel): """ Gallery model for a generic, flat, layered medium. """ model_name = "Layered" valid_dimensions = (1,2,3) @property #read only def dimension(self): return self.domain.dim supported_physics = ('acoustic',) @property def z_length(self): return float(sum([L.thickness for L in self.layers])) def __init__(self, layers, z_delta=None, min_ppw_at_freq=(6,10.0), # 6ppw at 10hz x_length=None, x_delta=None, y_length=None, y_delta=None, initial_model_style='smooth', initial_config={'sigma':100.0, 'filtersize':100}, **kwargs): """ Constructor for a constant background model with horizontal reflectors. Parameters ---------- layers : list List of Layer objects z_delta : float, optional Minimum mesh spacing in depth direction, see Notes. min_ppw_at_freq : tuple (int, float) Tuple with structure (min_ppw, peak_freq) to set the minimum points-per-wavelength at the given peak frequency. x_length : float Physical size in x direction x_delta : float Grid spacing in x direction y_length : float Physical size in y direction y_delta : float Grid spacing in y direction initial_model_style : {'smooth', 'constant', 'gradient'} Setup for the initial model. initial_config : dict Configuration parameters for initial models. Notes ----- * If z_delta is not set, min_ppw_at_freq is used. z_delta overrides use of min_ppw_at_freq. * Domain will be covered exactly, so z_delta is the maximum delta, it might actually end up being smaller, as the delta is determined by the mesh class. """ GeneratedGalleryModel.__init__(self) self.layers = layers self.min_z_delta = z_delta self.min_ppw_at_freq = min_ppw_at_freq self.x_length = x_length self.x_delta = x_delta self.y_length = y_length self.y_delta = y_delta self.initial_model_style = initial_model_style self.initial_config = initial_config # Set _domain and _mesh self.build_domain_and_mesh(**kwargs) # Set _initial_model and _true_model self.rebuild_models()
[docs] def build_domain_and_mesh(self, **kwargs): """ Constructs a mesh and domain for layered media. """ # Compute the total depth z_length = self.z_length x_length = self.x_length x_delta = self.x_delta y_length = self.y_length y_delta = self.y_delta # If the minimum z delta is not specified. if self.min_z_delta is None: #use min_ppw & peak_frequency min_ppw, peak_freq = self.min_ppw_at_freq min_velocity = min([L.velocity for L in self.layers]) wavelength = min_velocity / peak_freq z_delta = wavelength / min_ppw else: z_delta = self.min_z_delta z_points = math.ceil(z_length/z_delta) # Set defualt z boundary conditions z_lbc = kwargs['z_lbc'] if ('z_lbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*z_length, 100.0) z_rbc = kwargs['z_rbc'] if ('z_rbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*z_length, 100.0) domain_configs = list() mesh_args = list() # If a size of the x direction is specified, determine those parameters if x_length is not None: if x_delta is None: x_delta = z_delta x_points = math.ceil(float(x_length)/x_delta) # Set defualt x boundary conditions x_lbc = kwargs['x_lbc'] if ('x_lbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*x_length, 100.0) x_rbc = kwargs['x_rbc'] if ('x_rbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*x_length, 100.0) domain_configs.append((0, x_length, x_lbc, x_rbc)) mesh_args.append(x_points) # the y dimension only exists for 3D proble, so only if x is defined if y_length is not None: if y_delta is None: y_delta = z_delta y_points = math.ceil(float(y_length)/y_delta) # Set defualt y boundary conditions y_lbc = kwargs['y_lbc'] if ('y_lbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*y_length, 100.0) y_rbc = kwargs['y_rbc'] if ('y_rbc' in list(kwargs.keys())) else PML(0.1*y_length, 100.0) domain_configs.append((0, y_length, y_lbc, y_rbc)) mesh_args.append(y_points) domain_configs.append((0, z_length, z_lbc, z_rbc)) mesh_args.append(z_points) self._domain = RectangularDomain(*domain_configs) # Build mesh mesh_args = [self._domain] + mesh_args self._mesh = CartesianMesh(*mesh_args)
[docs] def rebuild_models(self): """ Rebuild the true and initial models based on the current configuration.""" sh = self._mesh.shape(as_grid=True) _shape_tuple = tuple([1]*(len(sh)-1) + [sh[-1]]) # ones in each dimension except for Z _pad_tuple = [(0,n-1) for n in sh] _pad_tuple[-1] = (0,0) _pad_tuple = tuple(_pad_tuple) # Construct true velocity profile vp = np.zeros(_shape_tuple) grid = self._mesh.mesh_coords(sparse=True) ZZ = grid[-1].reshape(_shape_tuple) total_filled = 0 for L in self.layers[::-1]: cutoff_depth = self.z_length - total_filled vp[ZZ <= cutoff_depth] = L.velocity total_filled += L.thickness # Construct initial velocity profile: if self.initial_model_style == 'constant': # initial_config = {'velocity': 3000.0} vp0 = np.ones(_shape_tuple)*self.initial_config['velocity'] elif self.initial_model_style == 'smooth': #initial_config = {'sigma':50.0, 'filtersize':8} vp0 = blur_image(vp.reshape(-1,), self.initial_config['filtersize'], self.initial_config['sigma'], mesh_deltas=(,)) vp0.shape = vp.shape elif self.initial_model_style == 'gradient': # initial_config = {} # collect the non-fixed layers for choosing the gradient bounds velocities = [L.velocity for L in self.layers if not L.fixed] cutoff_depth = 0 # find the first non-fixed layer to start the gradient at. for L in self.layers: if L.fixed: cutoff_depth += L.thickness else: break vp0 = vp.copy() loc = np.where(ZZ > cutoff_depth) vp0[loc] = np.linspace(min(velocities), max(velocities), loc[0].size) # Fix the fixed layers old_depth = 0 for L in self.layers: depth = old_depth + L.thickness if L.fixed: vp0[(ZZ >= old_depth) & (ZZ < depth)] = L.velocity old_depth = depth # Construct final padded velocity profiles C = np.pad(vp, _pad_tuple, 'edge').reshape(self._mesh.shape()) C0 = np.pad(vp0, _pad_tuple, 'edge').reshape(self._mesh.shape()) self._true_model = C self._initial_model = C0
[docs]def layered_medium( layers=water_layered_rock, **kwargs): """ Friendly wrapper for instantiating the layered medium model. """ # Setup the defaults model_config = dict(z_delta=None, min_ppw_at_freq=(6,10.0), # 6ppw at 10hz x_length=None, x_delta=None, y_length=None, y_delta=None, initial_model_style='smooth', initial_config={'sigma':100.0, 'filtersize':100}) # Make any changes model_config.update(kwargs) return LayeredMediumModel(layers, **model_config).get_setup()
#if __name__ == '__main__': # ## ASD = LayeredMediumModel(water_layered_rock) ## ASD = LayeredMediumModel(water_layered_rock, initial_model_style='smooth', initial_config={'sigma':100, 'filtersize':150}) ## ASD = LayeredMediumModel(water_layered_rock, initial_model_style='gradient') ## ASD = LayeredMediumModel(water_layered_rock, initial_model_style='constant', initial_config={'velocity':3000}) ## ASD = LayeredMediumModel(water_layered_rock, x_length=2000.0, y_length=1000.0) # # C, C0, m, d = layered_medium(x_length=2000) # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # fig = plt.figure() # fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) # vis.plot(C, m) # fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) # vis.plot(C0, m) #