Source code for pysit.objective_functions.frequency_least_squares

import itertools

import numpy as np

from pysit.objective_functions.objective_function import ObjectiveFunctionBase
from pysit.util.parallel import ParallelWrapShotNull
from pysit.modeling.frequency_modeling import FrequencyModeling

__all__ = ['FrequencyLeastSquares']

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class FrequencyLeastSquares(ObjectiveFunctionBase): def __init__(self, solver, parallel_wrap_shot=ParallelWrapShotNull()): self.solver = solver self.modeling_tools = FrequencyModeling(solver) self.parallel_wrap_shot = parallel_wrap_shot def _residual_list(self, shots_list, m0, frequencies=None, frequency_weights=None, dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None, **kwargs): """Computes residual in the usual sense for a list of shots Parameters ---------- shots_list : list of pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute the residual. utt : list of ndarray (optional) An empty list for returning the derivative term required for computing the imaging condition. """ if frequencies is None: raise ValueError('A set of frequencies must be specified.') # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in # this shot (aka, the simdata). if dWaveOp is not None: rp = ['simdata','dWaveOp'] else: rp = ['simdata'] # If we are dealing with variable density, we want the wavefield returned as well. if wavefield is not None: rp.append('wavefield') # Run the forward modeling step retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model_list(shots_list, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=rp, **kwargs) resid = 0.0 resid_list = dict() for i in range(len(shots_list)): shots_list[i].receivers.compute_data_dft(frequencies) resid_list[i] = dict() for nu,weight in zip(frequencies,frequency_weights): resid_list[i][nu] = shots_list[i].receivers.data_dft[nu] - retval['simdata'][i][nu] resid += weight*np.linalg.norm(resid_list[i][nu])**2 if dWaveOp is not None: for nu in frequencies: dWaveOp[i][nu] = retval['dWaveOp'][i][nu] if wavefield is not None: for nu in frequencies: wavefield[i][nu] = retval['wavefield'][i][nu] return resid , resid_list def _residual(self, shot, m0, frequencies=None, dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None): """Computes residual in the usual sense. Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute the residual. utt : list of ndarray (optional) An empty list for returning the derivative term required for computing the imaging condition. """ if frequencies is None: raise ValueError('A set of frequencies must be specified.') # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in # this shot (aka, the simdata). if dWaveOp is not None: rp = ['simdata','dWaveOp'] else: rp = ['simdata'] # If we are dealing with variable density, we want the wavefield returned as well. if wavefield is not None: rp.append('wavefield') # Run the forward modeling step retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=rp) resid = dict() for nu in frequencies: resid[nu] = shot.receivers.data_dft[nu] - retval['simdata'][nu] # If the second derivative info is needed, copy it out if dWaveOp is not None: for nu in frequencies: dWaveOp[nu] = retval['dWaveOp'][nu] if wavefield is not None: for nu in frequencies: wavefield[nu] = retval['wavefield'][nu] return resid
[docs] def evaluate(self, shots, m0, frequencies=None, frequency_weights=None, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the least squares objective function over a list of shots.""" if frequencies is None: raise ValueError('A set of frequencies must be specified.') if frequency_weights is not None and (len(frequencies) != len(frequency_weights)): raise ValueError('Weights and frequencies must be the same length.') if frequency_weights is None: frequency_weights = itertools.repeat(1.0) if 'petsc' in kwargs: r_norm2, resid_list = self._residual_list(shots, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights, **kwargs) else: r_norm2 = 0 for shot in shots: # ensure that the dft of the data exists shot.receivers.compute_data_dft(frequencies) r = self._residual(shot, m0, frequencies) for nu,weight in zip(frequencies,frequency_weights): r_norm2 += weight*np.linalg.norm(r[nu])**2 # sum-reduce and communicate result if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel: # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0) self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(np.array(r_norm2), new_r_norm2) r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()] # goofy way to access 0-D array element return 0.5*r_norm2 # *d_omega which does not exist for this problem !!! check if a dt needed
def _gradient_helper(self, shot, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights, ignore_minus=False, **kwargs): """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a single shot. Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation. Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute the residual. """ dWaveOp = dict() # If this is true, then we are dealing with variable density. In this case, we want our forward solve # To also return the wavefield, because we need to take gradients of the wavefield in the adjoint model # Step to calculate the gradient of our objective in terms of m2 (ie. 1/rho) if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): wavefield=dict() else: wavefield=None # Compute the residual vector and its norm r = self._residual(shot, m0, frequencies, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield) # Perform the migration or F* operation to get the gradient component g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, r, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield) g.toreal() if ignore_minus: return g, r else: return -1*g, r def _gradient_helper_list(self, shots_list, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights, ignore_minus=False, **kwargs): """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a list of shots shot. Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation. Parameters ---------- shots_list : list of pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute the residual. """ dWaveOp = dict() for i in range(len(shots_list)): dWaveOp[i] = dict() # If this is true, then we are dealing with variable density. In this case, we want our forward solve # To also return the wavefield, because we need to take gradients of the wavefield in the adjoint model # Step to calculate the gradient of our objective in terms of m2 (ie. 1/rho) if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): wavefield=dict() for i in range(len(shots_list)): wavefield[i] = dict() else: wavefield=None # Compute the residual list and its norm r, resid_list = self._residual_list(shots_list, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield, **kwargs) g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot_list(shots_list, m0, resid_list, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield, **kwargs) for i in range(len(g)): if ignore_minus: g[i].toreal() else: g[i].toreal() g[i] = - g[i] return g, r
[docs] def compute_gradient(self, shots, m0, frequencies=None, frequency_weights=None, aux_info={}, **kwargs): """Compute the gradient for a set of shots. Computes the gradient as -F*(d - scriptF[m0]) = sum(F*_s(d - scriptF_s[m0])) for s in shots Parameters ---------- shots : list of pysit.Shot List of Shots for which to compute the gradient. """ if frequencies is None: raise ValueError('A set of frequencies must be specified.') if frequency_weights is not None and (len(frequencies) != len(frequency_weights)): raise ValueError('Weights and frequencies must be the same length.') if 'petsc' in kwargs and kwargs['petsc'] is not None: if frequency_weights is None: frequency_weights = itertools.repeat(1.0) grad = m0.perturbation() g, r_norm2 = self._gradient_helper_list(shots, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights, ignore_minus=True, **kwargs) for i in range(len(g)): grad -= g[i] else: # compute the portion of the gradient due to each shot grad = m0.perturbation() r_norm2 = 0.0 for shot in shots: # ensure that the dft of the data exists shot.receivers.compute_data_dft(frequencies) g, r = self._gradient_helper(shot, m0, frequencies, frequency_weights, ignore_minus=True, **kwargs) grad -= g if frequency_weights is None: frequency_weights = itertools.repeat(1.0) for nu,weight in zip(frequencies,frequency_weights): r_norm2 += weight*np.linalg.norm(r[nu])**2 # sum-reduce and communicate result if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel: # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0) self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(np.array(r_norm2), new_r_norm2) r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()] # goofy way to access 0-D array element ngrad = np.zeros_like(grad.asarray()) self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(grad.asarray(), ngrad) grad=m0.perturbation(data=ngrad) # store any auxiliary info that is requested if ('residual_norm' in aux_info) and aux_info['residual_norm'][0]: aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, np.sqrt(r_norm2)) if ('objective_value' in aux_info) and aux_info['objective_value'][0]: aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, 0.5*r_norm2) return grad
[docs] def apply_hessian(self, shots, m0, m1, frequencies=None, frequency_weights=None, hessian_mode='approximate', levenberg_mu=0.0, **kwargs): modes = ['approximate', 'full', 'levenberg'] if hessian_mode not in modes: raise ValueError("Invalid Hessian mode. Valid options for applying hessian are {0}".format(modes)) result = m0.perturbation() if hessian_mode in ['approximate', 'levenberg']: for shot in shots: linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, frequencies, return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp0']) dWaveOp0 = linear_retval['dWaveOp0'] d1 = linear_retval['simdata'] result += self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, d1, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) result.toreal() elif hessian_mode == 'full': for shot in shots: # Run the forward modeling step dWaveOp0 = dict() # wave operator derivative wrt model for u_0 r0 = self._residual(shot, m0, frequencies, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0, **kwargs) linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, frequencies, return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp1'], dWaveOp0=dWaveOp0) d1 = linear_retval['simdata'] dWaveOp1 = linear_retval['dWaveOp1'] # <q, u1tt>, first adjointy bit dWaveOpAdj1=dict() res1 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot( shot, m0, r0, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, dWaveOp=dWaveOp1, dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1) result += res1 # <p, u0tt> res2 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, d1, frequencies, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, operand_dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1, operand_model=m1, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) result += res2 result.toreal() # sum-reduce and communicate result if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel: nresult = np.zeros_like(result.asarray()) self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(result.asarray(), nresult) result = m0.perturbation(data=nresult) # Note, AFTER the application has been done in parallel do this. if hessian_mode == 'levenberg': result += levenberg_mu*m1 return result