Source code for pysit.optimization.gradient_descent

import time
import copy
import sys

import numpy as np

from pysit.optimization.optimization import OptimizationBase


__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class GradientDescent(OptimizationBase): def __init__(self, objective, *args, **kwargs): OptimizationBase.__init__(self, objective, *args, **kwargs) self.prev_alpha = None def _select_step(self, shots, current_objective_value, gradient, iteration, objective_arguments, **kwargs): """Compute the adjustment of the gradient step for a set of shots. Gives the step s as a scalar multiple of the gradient vector. Parameters ---------- shots : list of pysit.Shot List of Shots for which to compute. grad : ndarray Gradient vector. i : int Current time index. """ # search the negative gradient direction = -1*gradient alpha0_kwargs = {'reset' : False} if iteration == 0: alpha0_kwargs = {'reset' : True} alpha = self.select_alpha(shots, gradient, direction, objective_arguments, current_objective_value=current_objective_value, alpha0_kwargs=alpha0_kwargs, **kwargs) self._print(' alpha {0}'.format(alpha)) self.store_history('alpha', iteration, alpha) step = alpha * direction return step def _compute_alpha0(self, phi0, grad0, reset=False, upscale_factor=None, **kwargs): if reset or (self.prev_alpha is None): return phi0 / (grad0.norm()***2 else: return self.prev_alpha / upscale_factor