Source code for pysit.core.sources

import itertools

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spsp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .mesh_representation import MeshRepresentationBase, PointRepresentationBase, PlaneRepresentationBase

__all__ = ['PointSource', 'SourceSet']

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

class SourceBase(object):
    """Base class for representing a source emitter on a grid.

    f(t, **kwargs)
        Evaluate w on grid numerically, must be implemented by sub class.

    `intensity` could conceivably become a function of time, in the future.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Constructor for the SourceBase class.


    def get_source_count(self):
        return 1
    source_count = property(get_source_count, None, None, None)

    def set_shot(self,shot):

    def reset_time_series(self, ts):

    def f(self, t, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Evaluation function \'f\' must be implemented by subclass.')

    def w(self, *argsw, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Wavelet function must be implemented at the subclass level.')

    # For subclasses to implement.
    def serialize_dict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def unserialize_dict(self, d):
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class PointSource(PointRepresentationBase, SourceBase): """Subclass of PointRepresentationBase and SourceBase for representing a point source emitter on a grid. Attributes ---------- domain : pysit.Domain Inherited from base class. position : tuple of float Inherited from base class. sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix Inherited from base class. adjoint_sampling_operator : scipy.sparse matrix Inherited from base class. intensity : float, optional Intensity of the source wavelet. w : function or function object Function of time that produces the source wavelet. Methods ------- f(t, **kwargs) Evaluate w(t)*delta(x-x') numerically. """ def __init__(self, mesh, pos, src_func, intensity=1.0, **kwargs): """Constructor for the PointSource class. Parameters ---------- mesh : pysit.Mesh Computation domain on which the source is defined. position : tuple of float Coordinates of the point in the physical coordinates of the domain. src_func : function or function object Function of time that produces the source wavelet. intensity : float, optional Intensity of the source wavelet. **kwargs : dict, optional May be used to specify `approximation` and `approximation_width` to base class. """ # Populate parameters from the base class. PointRepresentationBase.__init__(self, mesh, pos, **kwargs) SourceBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.w = src_func self.intensity = intensity
[docs] def f(self, t=0.0, nu=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate source emitter at time t on numerical grid. Parameters ---------- t : float Time at which to evaluate the source wavelet. **kwargs : dict, optional May pass additional parameters to the source wavelet call. Returns ------- The function w evaluated on a grid as an ndarray shaped like the domain. """ if nu is None: if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*(self.intensity*self.w(t, **kwargs))).toarray().reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*(self.intensity*self.w(t, **kwargs))).reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*(self.intensity*self.w(nu=nu, **kwargs))).toarray().reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*(self.intensity*self.w(nu=nu, **kwargs))).reshape(self.mesh.shape())
[docs] def serialize_dict(self, i=None): ret = dict() ret['approximation'] = self.approximation ret['approximation_width'] = self.approximation_width ret['approximation_deviations'] = self.approximation_deviations ret['intesity'] = self.intensity ret['position'] = np.array(self.position) ret['w_peak_frequency'] = self.w.peak_frequency ret['w_t_shift'] = self.w.t_shift ret['source_count'] = self.source_count return ret
[docs] def unserialize_dict(self, d): raise NotImplementedError()
class PlaneSource(PlaneRepresentationBase, SourceBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SourceSet(SourceBase, MeshRepresentationBase): def __init__(self, mesh, sources, **kwargs): """Constructor for the SourceSet class. Parameters ---------- mesh : pysit.Mesh Physical (and numerical) domain on which the source is defined. sources : list of PointSource objects **kwargs : dict, optional May be used to specify `approximation` and `approximation_width` to base class. """ self.source_list = sources # Populate parameters from the base class. SourceBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) MeshRepresentationBase.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs) # Create the basis array if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': self.sampling_operator = spsp.vstack([s.sampling_operator for s in self.source_list]) self.adjoint_sampling_operator = spsp.hstack([s.adjoint_sampling_operator for s in self.source_list]) else: # dense self.sampling_operator = np.vstack([s.sampling_operator for s in self.source_list]) self.adjoint_sampling_operator = np.hstack([s.adjoint_sampling_operator for s in self.source_list])
[docs] def get_source_count(self): return sum([r.source_count for r in self.source_list])
source_count = property(get_source_count, None, None, None)
[docs] def w(self, t=None, nu=None, **kwargs): if nu is None: vec = np.array([s.intensity*s.w(t=t,**kwargs) for s in self.source_list]) else: vec = np.array([s.intensity*s.w(nu=nu,**kwargs) for s in self.source_list]) vec.shape = vec.size,1 return vec
[docs] def set_shot(self,shot): self.shot=shot for s in self.source_list: s.set_shot(shot)
[docs] def f(self, t=0.0, nu=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate source emitter at time t on numerical grid. Parameters ---------- t : float Time at which to evaluate the source wavelet. nu : float, optional Frequency at which to evaluate the wavelets **kwargs : dict, optional May pass additional parameters to the source wavelet call. Returns ------- The function w evaluated on a grid as an ndarray shaped like the domain. """ if nu is None: v = self.w(t=t, **kwargs) else: v = self.w(nu=nu, **kwargs) if self._sample_interp_method == 'sparse': return (self.adjoint_sampling_operator*v).reshape(self.mesh.shape()) else: return,v).reshape(self.mesh.shape())
[docs] def serialize_dict(self): ret = dict() ret['source_count'] = self.source_count srcdicts = np.zeros(self.source_count, dtype=np.object) for src,i in zip(self.source_list, itertools.count()): srcdicts[i] = src.serialize_dict(i) ret['sources'] = srcdicts #np.array(recdicts) return ret
[docs] def unserialize_dict(self, d): raise NotImplementedError()
# # #if __name__ == '__main__': # # from pysit import Domain, PML, RickerWavelet, Shot # # # from source_receiver import ReceiverSet, PointSource, PointReceiver # # pmlx = PML(0.1, 100) # pmlz = PML(0.1, 100) # # x_config = (0.1, 1.0, 90, pmlx, pmlx) # z_config = (0.1, 0.8, 70, pmlz, pmlz) # # d = Domain( (x_config, z_config) ) # # xmax = d.x.rbound_true # nx = d.x.n_true # zmin = d.z.lbound_true # zmax = d.z.rbound_true # # f = RickerWavelet(25.0) # # ws = PointSource(d, (0.5, 0.5), f) # ws2 = PointSource(d, (0.5, 0.5), f, source_approximation='delta') # # Nshots = 1 # shots = [] # # for i in xrange(Nshots): # # # Define source location and type # source = PointSource(d, (xmax*(i+1.0)/(Nshots+1.0), 0.1), RickerWavelet(25.0)) # # # Define set of receivers # zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax # xpos = np.reshape(d.generate_grid(sparse=True,exclude_pml=True)[0], (nx,)) # receivers = [PointReceiver(d, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos[::3]] #receivers every 3 nodes # # # Create and store the shot # shot = Shot(source, ReceiverSet(receivers)) # shots.append(shot) #