Source code for pysit.modeling.frequency_modeling

import itertools
from pysit.util.derivatives import build_derivative_matrix, build_permutation_matrix, build_heterogenous_matrices
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform

__all__ = ['FrequencyModeling']

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class FrequencyModeling(object): # read only class description @property def solver_type(self): return "frequency" @property def modeling_type(self): return "frequency" def __init__(self, solver): """Constructor for the FrequencyInversion class. Parameters ---------- solver : pysit wave solver object A wave solver that inherits from pysit.solvers.WaveSolverBase """ if self.solver_type == solver.supports['equation_dynamics']: self.solver = solver else: raise TypeError("Argument 'solver' type {1} does not match modeling solver type {0}.".format(self.solver_type, solver.supports['equation_dynamics']))
[docs] def forward_model(self, shot, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=[]): """Applies the forward model to the model for the given solver. Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the source signal approximation for the right hand side. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'wavefield', 'simdata', 'simdata_time', 'dWaveOp'} Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * u is used as the target field universally. It could be velocity potential, it could be displacement, it could be pressure. * uhat is used to generically refer to the DFT of u that is needed to compute the imaging condition. Forward model computes: For constant density: -m*(omega**2)*u - lap u = f, where m = 1.0/c**2 For variable density: -m1*(omega**2)*u - div(m2 grad)u = f, where m1=1.0/kappa, m2=1.0/rho, and C = (kappa/rho)**0.5 """ # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 # this updates dt and the number of steps so that is appropriate for the current model mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain source = shot.sources # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Setup data storage for the forward modeled data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata = dict() # Storage for the derivative of the propagation operator with respect to the model \frac{d\script{L}}{dm} if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: dWaveOp = dict() # Initialize the DFT components uhats = dict() # Step k = 0 # p_0 is a zero array because if we assume the input signal is causal # and we assume that the initial system (i.e., p_(-2) and p_(-1)) is # uniformly zero, then the leapfrog scheme would compute that p_0 = 0 as # well. ukm1 is needed to compute the temporal derivative. solver_data = solver.SolverData() rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for nu in frequencies: rhs = solver.build_rhs(mesh.pad_array(source.f(nu=nu)), rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) result = solver.solve(solver_data, rhs, nu) uhat = solver_data.k.primary_wavefield # Save the unpadded wavefield if 'wavefield' in return_parameters: uhats[nu] = mesh.unpad_array(uhat, copy=True) # Record the data at t_k if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata[nu] = shot.receivers.sample_data_from_array(mesh.unpad_array(uhat)) # Save the derivative if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: dWaveOp[nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', uhat, nu) retval = dict() if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp'] = dWaveOp if 'simdata' in return_parameters: retval['simdata'] = simdata if 'wavefield' in return_parameters: retval['wavefield'] = uhats return retval
[docs] def forward_model_list(self, shot_list, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=[], **kwargs): """Applies the forward model to the model for the given solver and severals shots Parameters ---------- shot_list : list of pysit.Shot Gives the source signal approximation for the right hand side. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'wavefield', 'simdata', 'simdata_time', 'dWaveOp'} Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * u is used as the target field universally. It could be velocity potential, it could be displacement, it could be pressure. * uhat is used to generically refer to the DFT of u that is needed to compute the imaging condition. """ # importing the Petsc libraries for the multiple rhs solve try: import petsc4py petsc4py.init(sys.argv) from petsc4py import PETSc from pysit.util.wrappers.petsc import PetscWrapper except ImportError: raise ImportError('petsc4py is not installed, please install it and try again') # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 # this updates dt and the number of steps so that is appropriate for the current model mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Setup data storage for the forward modeled data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: Simdata = dict() # Storage for the derivative of the propagation operator with respect to the model \frac{d\script{L}}{dm} if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: DWaveOp = dict() # Initialize the DFT components # Uhats is a dictionnary of dictionnary Uhats = dict() # Step k = 0 # p_0 is a zero array because if we assume the input signal is causal # and we assume that the initial system (i.e., p_(-2) and p_(-1)) is # uniformly zero, then the leapfrog scheme would compute that p_0 = 0 as # well. ukm1 is needed to compute the temporal derivative. solver_data_list = list() for i in range(len(shot_list)): solver_data = solver.SolverData() solver_data_list.append(solver_data) Uhats[i] = dict() if 'simdata' in return_parameters: Simdata[i] = dict() if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: DWaveOp[i] = dict() rhs_list = list() for nu in frequencies: del rhs_list[:] rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for i in range(len(shot_list)): source = shot_list[i].sources rhs = solver.build_rhs(mesh.pad_array(source.f(nu=nu)), rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) rhs_list.append( result = solver.solve_petsc(solver_data_list , rhs_list, nu, **kwargs) for i in range(len(shot_list)): uhat = solver_data_list[i].k.primary_wavefield # Save the unpadded wavefield if 'wavefield' in return_parameters: Uhats[i][nu] = mesh.unpad_array(uhat, copy=True) # Record the data at t_k if 'simdata' in return_parameters: Simdata[i][nu] = shot_list[i].receivers.sample_data_from_array(mesh.unpad_array(uhat)) # Save the derivative if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: DWaveOp[i][nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', uhat, nu) retval = dict() if 'dWaveOp' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp'] = DWaveOp if 'simdata' in return_parameters: retval['simdata'] = Simdata if 'wavefield' in return_parameters: retval['wavefield'] = Uhats return retval
[docs] def migrate_shot(self, shot, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=None, operand_model=None, frequency_weights=None, dWaveOp=None, adjointfield=None, dWaveOpAdj=None, wavefield=None): """Performs migration on a single shot. Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute migration. operand_simdata : ndarray Operand, i.e., b in F*b. This data is in TIME to properly compute the adjoint. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. utt : list Imaging condition components from the forward model for each receiver in the shot. qs : list Optional return list allowing us to retrieve the adjoint field as desired. """ # If the imaging component has not already been computed, compute it. prep_rp = list() if dWaveOp is None: prep_rp.append('dWaveOp') dWaveOp = dict() if len(prep_rp) > 0: retval = self.forward_model(shot, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=prep_rp) if 'dWaveOp' in prep_rp: dWaveOp = retval['dWaveOp'] rp = ['imaging_condition'] if adjointfield is not None: rp.append('adjointfield') if dWaveOpAdj is not None: rp.append('dWaveOpAdj') rv = self.adjoint_model(shot, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=operand_dWaveOpAdj, operand_model=operand_model, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, return_parameters=rp, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield) # If the adjoint field is desired as output. for nu in frequencies: if adjointfield is not None: adjointfield[nu] = rv['adjointfield'][nu] if dWaveOpAdj is not None: dWaveOpAdj[nu] = rv['dWaveOpAdj'][nu] # Get the imaging condition part from the result, this is the migrated image. ic = rv['imaging_condition'] return ic
[docs] def migrate_shot_list(self, shots_list, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=None, operand_model=None, frequency_weights=None, dWaveOp=None, adjointfield=None, dWaveOpAdj=None, wavefield=None, **kwargs): """Performs migration a list of shot shot. Parameters ---------- shots_list : list of pysit.Shot Shot for which to compute migration. operand_simdata : ndarray Operand, i.e., b in F*b. This data is in TIME to properly compute the adjoint. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. utt : list Imaging condition components from the forward model for each receiver in the shot. qs : list Optional return list allowing us to retrieve the adjoint field as desired. """ # If the imaging component has not already been computed, compute it. prep_rp = list() if dWaveOp is None: prep_rp.append('dWaveOp') dWaveOp = dict() if len(prep_rp) > 0: retval = self.forward_model_list(shots_list, m0, frequencies, return_parameters=prep_rp) if 'dWaveOp' in prep_rp: dWaveOp = retval['dWaveOp'] rp = ['imaging_condition'] if adjointfield is not None: rp.append('adjointfield') if dWaveOpAdj is not None: rp.append('dWaveOpAdj') rv = self.adjoint_model_list(shots_list, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=operand_dWaveOpAdj, operand_model=operand_model, frequency_weights=frequency_weights, return_parameters=rp, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield, **kwargs) # If the adjoint field is desired as output. for nu in frequencies: if adjointfield is not None: adjointfield[nu] = rv['adjointfield'][nu] if dWaveOpAdj is not None: dWaveOpAdj[nu] = rv['dWaveOpAdj'][nu] # Get the imaging condition part from the result, this is the migrated image. ic = rv['imaging_condition'] return ic
[docs] def adjoint_model(self, shot, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=None, operand_model=None, frequency_weights=None, return_parameters=[], dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None): """Solves for the adjoint field in frequency. For constant density: -m*(omega**2)*q - lap q = resid, where m = 1.0/c**2 For variable density: -m1*(omega**2)*q - div(m2 grad)q = resid, where m1=1.0/kappa, m2=1.0/rho, and C = (kappa/rho)**0.5 Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the receiver model for the right hand side. operand : ndarray Right hand side, usually the residual. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'q', 'qhat', 'ic'} dWaveOp : ndarray Imaging component from the forward model (in frequency). Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * q is the adjoint field. * qhat is the DFT of oq at the specified frequencies * ic is the imaging component. Because this function computes many of the things required to compute the imaging condition, there is an option to compute the imaging condition as we go. This should be used to save computational effort. If the imaging condition is to be computed, the optional argument utt must be present. Imaging Condition for variable density has terms: ic.m1 = omegas**2 * conj(u) * q ic.m2 = conj(grad(u)) dot grad(q), summed over all shots and frequencies. """ # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain source = shot.sources # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] qhats = dict() if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: dWaveOpAdj = dict() # If we are computing the imaging condition, ensure that all of the parts are there. if dWaveOp is None and 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: raise ValueError('To compute imaging condition, forward component must be specified.') if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: ic = solver.model_parameters.perturbation(dtype=np.complex) if frequency_weights is None: frequency_weights = itertools.repeat(1.0) freq_weights = {nu: weight for nu,weight in zip(frequencies,frequency_weights)} # if we are dealing with variable density, we need to collect the gradient operators, D1 and D2. (note: D2 is the negative adjoint of the leftmost gradient used in our heterogenous laplacian) if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): print("WARNING: Ian's operators are still used here even though the solver has changed. Gradient may be incorrect. These routines need to be updated.") deltas = [,] sh = mesh.shape(include_bc=True,as_grid=True) D1, D2 = build_heterogenous_matrices(sh,deltas) if operand_model is not None: operand_model = operand_model.with_padding() # Time-reversed wave solver solver_data = solver.SolverData() rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for nu in frequencies: # If we are dealing with variable density, we will need these values computed for the imagining condition in terms of m2. if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): uhat = wavefield[nu] uhat = mesh.pad_array(uhat) D1u, D2u = np.conj(D1[0]*uhat), np.conj(D2[0]*uhat) # Need the conj. of grad (uhat) # Compute the rhs array. rhs_ = mesh.pad_array(shot.receivers.extend_data_to_array(data=operand_simdata[nu])) # for primary adjoint equation if (operand_dWaveOpAdj is not None) and (operand_model is not None): dWaveOpAdj_nu = operand_dWaveOpAdj[nu] rhs_ += reshape(operand_model*dWaveOpAdj_nu.reshape(operand_model.shape), rhs_.shape) # for secondary adjoint equation rhs = solver.build_rhs(rhs_, rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) np.conj(, result = solver.solve(solver_data, rhs, nu) vhat = solver_data.k.primary_wavefield # Compute the conjugate in place. # After this operation, vhats _is_ conjugated, so its value does not # match the mathematics. This is done to save computation, as computing # the conjufation in place requires no further allocation. vhats should # not be used beyond this point, so it is assigned to None. qhat = np.conj(vhat, vhat) if 'adjointfield' in return_parameters: qhats[nu] = mesh.unpad_array(qhat, copy=True) if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: dWaveOpAdj[nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', qhat,nu) # If the imaging component needs to be computed, do it if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: weight = freq_weights[nu] # if we are dealing with variable density, we compute 2 parts to the imagaing condition seperatly. Otherwise, if it is just constant density- we compute only 1. if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0, 'rho'): ic.rho -= weight*((D1u)*(D1[1]*qhat)+(D2u)*(D2[1]*qhat)) ic.kappa -= weight*qhat*np.conj(dWaveOp[nu]) else: ic -= weight*qhat*np.conj(dWaveOp[nu]) # note, no dnu here because the nus are not generally the complete set, so dnu makes little sense, otherwise dnu = 1./(nsteps*dt) retval = dict() if 'adjointfield' in return_parameters: retval['adjointfield'] = qhats if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOpAdj'] = dWaveOpAdj # If the imaging component needs to be computed, do it if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: # retval['imaging_condition'] = ic.without_padding() # Comment out by Zhilong, simply cutting the pml can not produce a correct gradient # In order to make the gradient correct, you should add all the weights in the pml to the last layer of the computational grid retval['imaging_condition'] = ic.add_padding() return retval
[docs] def adjoint_model_list(self, shots_list, m0, operand_simdata, frequencies, operand_dWaveOpAdj=None, operand_model=None, frequency_weights=None, return_parameters=[], dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None, **kwargs): """Solves for the adjoint field in frequency. For constant density: -m*(omega**2)*q - lap q = resid, where m = 1.0/c**2 For variable density: -m1*(omega**2)*q - div(m2 grad)q = resid, where m1=1.0/kappa, m2=1.0/rho, and C = (kappa/rho)**0.5 Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the receiver model for the right hand side. operand : ndarray Right hand side, usually the residual. frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'q', 'qhat', 'ic'} dWaveOp : ndarray Imaging component from the forward model (in frequency). Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * q is the adjoint field. * qhat is the DFT of oq at the specified frequencies * ic is the imaging component. Because this function computes many of the things required to compute the imaging condition, there is an option to compute the imaging condition as we go. This should be used to save computational effort. If the imaging condition is to be computed, the optional argument utt must be present. Imaging Condition for variable density has terms: ic.m1 = omegas**2 * conj(u) * q ic.m2 = conj(grad(u)) dot grad(q), summed over all shots and frequencies. """ # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] Qhats = dict() if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: DWaveOpAdj = dict() # If we are computing the imaging condition, ensure that all of the parts are there. if dWaveOp is None and 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: raise ValueError('To compute imaging condition, forward component must be specified.') if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: Ic = dict() if frequency_weights is None: frequency_weights = itertools.repeat(1.0) freq_weights = {nu: weight for nu,weight in zip(frequencies,frequency_weights)} if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): deltas = [,] sh = mesh.shape(include_bc=True,as_grid=True) D1, D2 = build_heterogenous_matrices(sh,deltas) solver_data_list = list() #initialisation for the muliple rhs resolution for i in range(len(shots_list)): solver_data = solver.SolverData() solver_data_list.append(solver_data) Qhats[i] = dict() if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: Ic[i] = solver.model_parameters.perturbation(dtype=np.complex) if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: DWaveOpAdj[i] = dict() rhs_list = list() if operand_model is not None: operand_model = operand_model.with_padding() for nu in frequencies: del rhs_list[:] for i in range(len(shots_list)): rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) rhs_ = mesh.pad_array(shots_list[i].receivers.extend_data_to_array(data=operand_simdata[i][nu])) if (operand_dWaveOpAdj is not None) and (operand_model is not None): dWaveOpAdj_nu = operand_dWaveOpAdj[nu] rhs_ += reshape(operand_model*dWaveOpAdj_nu.reshape(operand_model.shape), rhs_.shape) # for secondary adjoint equation rhs = solver.build_rhs(rhs_, rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) np.conj(, rhs_list.append( result = solver.solve_petsc(solver_data_list, rhs_list, nu, **kwargs) for i in range(len(shots_list)): # If we are dealing with variable density, we will need these values computed for the imagining condition in terms of m2. if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'): uhat = wavefield[i][nu] uhat = mesh.pad_array(uhat) D1u, D2u = np.conj(D1[0]*uhat), np.conj(D2[0]*uhat) # Need the conj. of grad (uhat) vhat = solver_data_list[i].k.primary_wavefield qhat = np.conj(vhat, vhat) if 'adjointfield' in return_parameters: Qhats[i][nu] = mesh.unpad_array(qhat, copy=True) if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: DWaveOpAdj[i][nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', qhat,nu) if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: weight = freq_weights[nu] if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0, 'rho'): Ic[i].rho -= weight*((D1u)*(D1[1]*qhat)+(D2u)*(D2[1]*qhat)) Ic[i].kappa -= weight*qhat*np.conj(dWaveOp[i][nu]) else: Ic[i] -= weight*qhat*np.conj(dWaveOp[i][nu]) # note, no dnu here because the nus are not generally the complete set, so dnu makes little sense, otherwise dnu = 1./(nsteps*dt) # If the imaging component needs to be computed, do it retval = dict() if 'adjointfield' in return_parameters: retval['adjointfield'] = Qhats if 'dWaveOpAdj' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOpAdj'] = DWaveOpAdj for i in range(len(Ic)): Ic[i] = Ic[i].without_padding() # If the imaging component needs to be computed, do it if 'imaging_condition' in return_parameters: retval['imaging_condition'] = Ic return retval
[docs] def linear_forward_model(self, shot, m0, m1, frequencies, return_parameters=[], dWaveOp0=None): """Applies the forward model to the model for the given solver. Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the source signal approximation for the right hand side. m1 : solver.ModelParameters frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'dWaveOp0', 'wavefield1', 'dWaveOp1', 'simdata', 'simdata_time'}, optional Values to return. Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * u1 is used as the target field universally. It could be velocity potential, it could be displacement, it could be pressure. * u1tt is used to generically refer to the derivative of u1 that is needed to compute the imaging condition. * If u0tt is not specified, it may be computed on the fly at potentially high expense. """ # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 # this updates dt and the number of steps so that is appropriate for the current model mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain source = shot.sources m1_padded = m1.with_padding(padding_mode='edge') # added the padding_mode by Zhilong, still needs to discuss which padding mode to use # Storage for the field u1hats = dict() # Setup data storage for the forward modeled data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1 = dict() if dWaveOp0 is None: solver_data_u0 = solver.SolverData() solver_data = solver.SolverData() rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for nu in frequencies: if dWaveOp0 is None: rhs = solver.build_rhs(mesh.pad_array(source.f(nu=nu)), rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) solver.solve(solver_data_u0, rhs, nu) u0hat = solver_data_u0.k.primary_wavefield dWaveOp0_nu = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u0hat, nu) else: dWaveOp0_nu = dWaveOp0[nu] if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret[nu] = dWaveOp0_nu rhs_ = m1_padded*(-1*dWaveOp0_nu) rhs = solver.build_rhs(rhs_, rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) # make the rhs vector the correct length solver.solve(solver_data,rhs,nu) u1hat = solver_data.k.primary_wavefield # Store the wavefield if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: u1hats[nu] = mesh.unpad_array(u1hat, copy=True) # Compute the derivative if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1[nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u1hat, nu) # Extract the data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata[nu] = shot.receivers.sample_data_from_array(mesh.unpad_array(u1hat)) retval = dict() if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp0'] = dWaveOp0ret if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: retval['wavefield1'] = u1hats if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp1'] = dWaveOp1 if 'simdata' in return_parameters: retval['simdata'] = simdata return retval
[docs] def linear_forward_model_kappa(self, shot, m0, m1, frequencies, return_parameters=[], dWaveOp0=None,wavefield=None): """Applies the forward model to the model for the given solver in terms of a pertubation of kappa Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the source signal approximation for the right hand side. m1 : solver.ModelParameters frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'dWaveOp0', 'wavefield1', 'dWaveOp1', 'simdata', 'simdata_time'}, optional Values to return. Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * u1 is used as the target field universally. It could be velocity potential, it could be displacement, it could be pressure. * u1tt is used to generically refer to the derivative of u1 that is needed to compute the imaging condition. * If u0tt is not specified, it may be computed on the fly at potentially high expense. """ # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 # this updates dt and the number of steps so that is appropriate for the current model mesh = solver.mesh d = solver.domain source = shot.sources model_1 = 1.0/m1.kappa model_1 = mesh.pad_array(model_1) # Storage for the field u1hats = dict() # Setup data storage for the forward modeled data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1 = dict() if dWaveOp0 is None: solver_data_u0 = solver.SolverData() solver_data = solver.SolverData() rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for nu in frequencies: if dWaveOp0 is None: rhs = solver.build_rhs(mesh.pad_array(source.f(nu=nu)), rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) solver.solve(solver_data_u0, rhs, nu) u0hat = solver_data_u0.k.primary_wavefield dWaveOp0_nu = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u0hat, nu) else: dWaveOp0_nu = dWaveOp0[nu] if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret[nu] = dWaveOp0_nu rhs_ = model_1*(-1*dWaveOp0_nu) rhs = solver.build_rhs(rhs_, rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) # make the rhs vector the correct length solver.solve(solver_data,rhs,nu) u1hat = solver_data.k.primary_wavefield # Store the wavefield if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: u1hats[nu] = mesh.unpad_array(u1hat, copy=True) # Compute the derivative if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1[nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u1hat, nu) # Extract the data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata[nu] = shot.receivers.sample_data_from_array(mesh.unpad_array(u1hat)) retval = dict() if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp0'] = dWaveOp0ret if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: retval['wavefield1'] = u1hats if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp1'] = dWaveOp1 if 'simdata' in return_parameters: retval['simdata'] = simdata return retval
[docs] def linear_forward_model_rho(self, shot, m0, m1, frequencies, return_parameters=[], dWaveOp0=None, wavefield=None): """Applies the forward model to the model for the given solver in terms of a pertubation of rho Parameters ---------- shot : pysit.Shot Gives the source signal approximation for the right hand side. m1 : solver.ModelParameters frequencies : list of 2-tuples 2-tuple, first element is the frequency to use, second element the weight. return_parameters : list of {'dWaveOp0', 'wavefield1', 'dWaveOp1', 'simdata', 'simdata_time'}, optional Values to return. Returns ------- retval : dict Dictionary whose keys are return_parameters that contains the specified data. Notes ----- * u1 is used as the target field universally. It could be velocity potential, it could be displacement, it could be pressure. * u1tt is used to generically refer to the derivative of u1 that is needed to compute the imaging condition. * If u0tt is not specified, it may be computed on the fly at potentially high expense. """ # Sanitize the input if not np.iterable(frequencies): frequencies = [frequencies] # Local references solver = self.solver solver.model_parameters = m0 # this updates dt and the number of steps so that is appropriate for the current model mesh = solver.mesh sh = mesh.shape(include_bc=True,as_grid=True) d = solver.domain source = shot.sources model_2=1.0/m1.rho model_2=mesh.pad_array(model_2) rp=dict() rp['laplacian']=True print("WARNING: Ian's operators are still used here even though the solver has changed. These tests need to be updated.") Lap = build_heterogenous_matrices(sh,[,],model_2.reshape(-1,),rp=rp) # Storage for the field u1hats = dict() # Setup data storage for the forward modeled data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret = dict() # Storage for the time derivatives of p if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1 = dict() if dWaveOp0 is None: solver_data_u0 = solver.SolverData() solver_data = solver.SolverData() rhs = solver.WavefieldVector(mesh,dtype=solver.dtype) for nu in frequencies: u0_hat=wavefield[nu] u0_hat=mesh.pad_array(u0_hat) if dWaveOp0 is None: rhs = solver.build_rhs(mesh.pad_array(source.f(nu=nu)), rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) solver.solve(solver_data_u0, rhs, nu) u0hat = solver_data_u0.k.primary_wavefield dWaveOp0_nu = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u0hat, nu) else: dWaveOp0_nu = dWaveOp0[nu] if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: dWaveOp0ret[nu] = dWaveOp0_nu rhs_ = Lap*u0_hat rhs = solver.build_rhs(rhs_, rhs_wavefieldvector=rhs) # make the rhs vector the correct length solver.solve(solver_data,rhs,nu) u1hat = solver_data.k.primary_wavefield # Store the wavefield if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: u1hats[nu] = mesh.unpad_array(u1hat, copy=True) # Compute the derivative if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: dWaveOp1[nu] = solver.compute_dWaveOp('frequency', u1hat, nu) # Extract the data if 'simdata' in return_parameters: simdata[nu] = shot.receivers.sample_data_from_array(mesh.unpad_array(u1hat)) retval = dict() if 'dWaveOp0' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp0'] = dWaveOp0ret if 'wavefield1' in return_parameters: retval['wavefield1'] = u1hats if 'dWaveOp1' in return_parameters: retval['dWaveOp1'] = dWaveOp1 if 'simdata' in return_parameters: retval['simdata'] = simdata return retval
def adjoint_test_kappa(): #if __name__ == '__main__': # from pysit import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import uniform from pysit import PML, Dirichlet, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave,VariableDensityHelmholtz, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet from import horizontal_reflector # Define Domain bc = PML(0.3, 100, ftype='quadratic') # bc = Dirichlet() x_config = (0.1, 1.0, bc, bc) z_config = (0.1, 0.8, bc, bc) d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config ) m = CartesianMesh(d, 70, 90) # Generate true wave speed # (M = C^-2 - C0^-2) C,C0,m,d = horizontal_reflector(m) w=1.3 M = [w*C, C/w] M0 = [C0, C0] # Set up shots Nshots = 1 shots = [] xmin = d.x.lbound xmax = d.x.rbound nx = m.x.n zmin = d.z.lbound zmax = d.z.rbound point_approx = 'delta' for i in range(Nshots): # Define source location and type source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0), approximation=point_approx) # Define set of receivers zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos]) # Create and store the shot shot = Shot(source, receivers) shots.append(shot) # Define and configure the wave solver #trange=(0.,3.0) freqs = [3.0,5.0,7.0] solver = VariableDensityHelmholtz(m, model_parameters={'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}, spatial_shifted_differences=False, spatial_accuracy_order=2) # Generate synthetic Seismic data print('Generating data...') base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}) generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model,frequencies=freqs) tools = FrequencyModeling(solver) m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}) np.random.seed(0) m1 = m0.perturbation() v = uniform(0.5,1.5,len(m0.kappa)).reshape((len(m0.kappa),1)) # v is pertubation of model 1/kappa. (which we have declared as m1). Thus, kappa is 1/v. m1.kappa += 1.0/v # freqs = np.linspace(3,20,20) fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, freqs, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata']) data = fwdret['simdata'] dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp'] u0hat = fwdret['wavefield'] # data -= shot.receivers.interpolate_data(solver.ts()) # data *= -1 # for nu in freqs: # data[nu] += np.random.rand(*data[nu].shape) linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model_kappa(shot, m0, m1, freqs, ['simdata','wavefield1']) lindata = linfwdret['simdata'] u1hat = linfwdret['wavefield1'][freqs[0]] adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0, wavefield=u0hat) qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].kappa # adjret2 = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, lindata_time, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) ## qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] # adjmodel2 = adjret2['imaging_condition'].view(np.ndarray) temp_data_prod = 0.0 for nu in freqs: temp_data_prod +=[nu].reshape(data[nu].shape).T, np.conj(data[nu])) print("data space: ", temp_data_prod.squeeze()) print("model space: ",, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* print("their diff: ",, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* - temp_data_prod.squeeze()) def adjoint_test_rho(): #if __name__ == '__main__': # from pysit import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import uniform from pysit import PML, Dirichlet, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave,VariableDensityHelmholtz, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet from import horizontal_reflector # Define Domain bc = PML(0.3, 100, ftype='quadratic') # bc = Dirichlet() x_config = (0.1, 1.0, bc, bc) z_config = (0.1, 0.8, bc, bc) d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config ) m = CartesianMesh(d, 70, 90) # Generate true wave speed # (M = C^-2 - C0^-2) C,C0,m,d = horizontal_reflector(m) w=1.3 M = [w*C, C/w] M0 = [C0, C0] # Set up shots Nshots = 1 shots = [] xmin = d.x.lbound xmax = d.x.rbound nx = m.x.n zmin = d.z.lbound zmax = d.z.rbound point_approx = 'delta' for i in range(Nshots): # Define source location and type source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0), approximation=point_approx) # Define set of receivers zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos]) # Create and store the shot shot = Shot(source, receivers) shots.append(shot) # Define and configure the wave solver #trange=(0.,3.0) freqs = [3.0,5.0,7.0] solver = VariableDensityHelmholtz(m, model_parameters={'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}, spatial_shifted_differences=False, spatial_accuracy_order=2) # Generate synthetic Seismic data print('Generating data...') base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}) generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model,frequencies=freqs) tools = FrequencyModeling(solver) m0 = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'kappa': M[0], 'rho' : M[1]}) np.random.seed(0) m1 = m0.perturbation() # v is pertubation of model 1/rho. (which we have declared as m1). Thus, rho is 1/v. v = uniform(0.5,1.5,len(m0.rho)).reshape((len(m0.rho),1)) m1.rho += 1.0/v # freqs = np.linspace(3,20,20) fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, freqs, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata']) data = fwdret['simdata'] dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp'] u0hat = fwdret['wavefield'] # data -= shot.receivers.interpolate_data(solver.ts()) # data *= -1 # for nu in freqs: # data[nu] += np.random.rand(*data[nu].shape) linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model_rho(shot, m0, m1, freqs, ['simdata','wavefield1'], wavefield=u0hat) lindata = linfwdret['simdata'] #u1hat = linfwdret['wavefield1'][freqs[0]] adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0,wavefield=u0hat) qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].rho # adjret2 = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, lindata_time, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) ## qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] # adjmodel2 = adjret2['imaging_condition'].view(np.ndarray) temp_data_prod = 0.0 for nu in freqs: temp_data_prod +=[nu].reshape(data[nu].shape).T, np.conj(data[nu])) print("data space: ", temp_data_prod.squeeze()) print("model space: ",, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* print("their diff: ",, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* - temp_data_prod.squeeze()) def adjoint_test(): #if __name__ == '__main__': # from pysit import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pysit import PML, Dirichlet, RectangularDomain, CartesianMesh, PointSource, ReceiverSet, Shot, ConstantDensityAcousticWave,ConstantDensityHelmholtz, generate_seismic_data, PointReceiver, RickerWavelet from import horizontal_reflector # Define Domain bc = PML(0.3, 100, ftype='quadratic') # bc = Dirichlet() x_config = (0.1, 1.0, bc, bc) z_config = (0.1, 0.8, bc, bc) d = RectangularDomain( x_config, z_config ) m = CartesianMesh(d, 90, 70) # Generate true wave speed # (M = C^-2 - C0^-2) C0, C = horizontal_reflector(m) # Set up shots Nshots = 1 shots = [] xmin = d.x.lbound xmax = d.x.rbound nx = m.x.n zmin = d.z.lbound zmax = d.z.rbound point_approx = 'delta' for i in range(Nshots): # Define source location and type source = PointSource(m, (.188888, 0.18888), RickerWavelet(10.0), approximation=point_approx) # Define set of receivers zpos = zmin + (1./9.)*zmax xpos = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) receivers = ReceiverSet(m, [PointReceiver(m, (x, zpos)) for x in xpos]) # Create and store the shot shot = Shot(source, receivers) shots.append(shot) # Define and configure the wave solver trange=(0.,3.0) solver = ConstantDensityAcousticWave(m, formulation='scalar', model_parameters={'C': C}, spatial_accuracy_order=4, trange=trange, time_accuracy_order=6) # Generate synthetic Seismic data print('Generating data...') base_model = solver.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C}) generate_seismic_data(shots, solver, base_model) solver_frequency = ConstantDensityHelmholtz(m, model_parameters={'C': C0}, spatial_shifted_differences=True, spatial_accuracy_order=4) tools = FrequencyModeling(solver_frequency) m0 = solver_frequency.ModelParameters(m,{'C': C0}) np.random.seed(0) m1 = m0.perturbation() # m1 += M m1 += np.random.rand(* freqs = [10.0, 10.5, 10.123334145252] # freqs = np.linspace(3,20,20) fwdret = tools.forward_model(shot, m0, freqs, ['wavefield', 'dWaveOp', 'simdata']) data = fwdret['simdata'] dWaveOp0 = fwdret['dWaveOp'] u0hat = fwdret['wavefield'][freqs[0]] # data -= shot.receivers.interpolate_data(solver.ts()) # data *= -1 # for nu in freqs: # data[nu] += np.random.rand(*data[nu].shape) linfwdret = tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, freqs, ['simdata','wavefield1']) lindata = linfwdret['simdata'] u1hat = linfwdret['wavefield1'][freqs[0]] adjret = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, data, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] adjmodel = adjret['imaging_condition'].data # adjret2 = tools.adjoint_model(shot, m0, lindata_time, freqs, return_parameters=['imaging_condition', 'adjointfield'], dWaveOp=dWaveOp0) ## qhat = adjret['adjointfield'][freqs[0]] # adjmodel2 = adjret2['imaging_condition'].view(np.ndarray) m1 = temp_data_prod = 0.0 for nu in freqs: temp_data_prod +=[nu].reshape(data[nu].shape).T, np.conj(data[nu])) print(temp_data_prod.squeeze()) print(, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* print(, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze()* - temp_data_prod.squeeze()) # temp_data_prod = 0.0 # for nu in freqs: # temp_data_prod +=[nu].reshape(dhat[nu].shape), np.conj(lindata[nu].reshape(dhat[nu].shape))) # # print temp_data_prod # print, np.conj(adjmodel2)).squeeze()* # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(2,3,1) # display_on_grid(np.real(u0hat), d) # plt.title(r're(${\hat u_0}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,4) # display_on_grid(np.imag(u0hat), d) # plt.title(r'im(${\hat u_0}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,2) # display_on_grid(np.real(qhat), d) # plt.title(r're(${\hat q}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,5) # display_on_grid(np.imag(qhat), d) # plt.title(r'im(${\hat q}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,3) # display_on_grid(np.real(u1hat), d) # plt.title(r're(${\hat u_1}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,6) # display_on_grid(np.imag(u1hat), d) # plt.title(r'im(${\hat u_1}$)') # # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(2,3,1) # display_on_grid(np.real(u0hat), d) # plt.title(r're(${\hat u_0}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,4) # display_on_grid(np.imag(u0hat), d) # plt.title(r'im(${\hat u_0}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,2) # display_on_grid(np.real(qhat), d) # plt.title(r're(${\hat q}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,5) # display_on_grid(np.imag(qhat), d) # plt.title(r'im(${\hat q}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,3) # display_on_grid(np.real(adjmodel), d) # plt.title(r're(${m_1}$)') # plt.subplot(2,3,6) # display_on_grid(np.imag(adjmodel), d) # plt.title(r'im(${m_1}$)') # if __name__ == '__main__': print("testing pertubation of rho:") adjoint_test_rho() print("testing pertubation of kappa:") adjoint_test_kappa()