Source code for pysit.util.implicit_surfaces

import itertools
import copy

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from functools import reduce

__all__ = ['ImplicitSurface',

[docs]class ImplicitSurface(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
[docs] def interior(self, grid, asarray=False): val = self.__call__(grid) if asarray: retval = np.zeros_like(val) retval[np.where(val < 0.0)] = 1.0 return retval else: return np.where(val < 0.0)
[docs] def exterior(self, grid, asarray=False): val = self.__call__(grid) if asarray: retval = np.zeros_like(val) retval[np.where(val >= 0.0)] = 1.0 return retval else: return np.where(val >= 0.0)
[docs]class ImplicitCollection(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, *items): if np.iterable(items[0]): self.items = list(items[0]) else: self.items = list(items)
[docs] def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
[docs]class ImplicitPlane(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, p, n): self.p = np.array(p) self.n = np.array(n) self.n = self.n/np.linalg.norm(self.n) self.d =,self.n)
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): return self.d + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:x*y,self.n,grid)))
[docs]class ImplicitSphere(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, c=None, r=1.0): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) self.r = r
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): if self.c is None: c = np.zeros_like(grid[0].shape) else: c = self.c return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,c,grid))) - self.r**2
[docs]class ImplicitXAlignedCylinder(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, c=None, length=1.0, r=1.0): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) self.len = length self.r = r
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): if self.c is None: c = np.zeros_like(grid[0].shape) else: c = self.c g = grid[1:] cc = c[1:] # longways = (grid[1]-c[1])**2 - self.r**2 longways = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,cc,g))) - self.r**2 cutoff = np.abs(grid[0] - c[0]) - self.len/2 return np.maximum(longways, cutoff)
[docs]class ImplicitEllipse(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, c=None, a=None, r=1.0): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) if a is None: self.a = None else: self.a = np.array(a) self.r = r
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): if self.c is None: c = np.zeros(len(grid)) else: c = self.c if self.a is None: a = np.ones(len(grid)) else: a = self.a return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y,z:(((y-x)**2)/z), c,grid,a)) ) - self.r**2
[docs]class ImplicitIntersection(ImplicitCollection): def __init__(self, *items): ImplicitCollection.__init__(self, *items)
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): return reduce(lambda x,y: np.maximum(x,y), [x(grid) for x in self.items])
[docs]class ImplicitUnion(ImplicitCollection): def __init__(self, *items): ImplicitCollection.__init__(self, *items)
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): return reduce(lambda x,y: np.minimum(x,y), [x(grid) for x in self.items])
[docs]class ImplicitDifference(ImplicitCollection): # Maybe sometime, this should just take *items, and pop the first one for # base. This way, we can allow a single list to be passed. For now, whatever. def __init__(self, base, *items): ImplicitCollection.__init__(self, *items) self.base = base
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): items = [self.base] + self.items return reduce(lambda x,y: np.maximum(x,-y), [x(grid) for x in items])
[docs]class ImplicitComplement(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, base): self.base = base
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): return -1.0*self.base(grid)
# These must be defined so that the equality is switched if the complement # is the calling surface
[docs] def interior(self, grid, asarray=False): val = self.__call__(grid) if asarray: retval = np.zeros_like(val) retval[np.where(val <= 0.0)] = 1.0 return retval else: return np.where(val <= 0.0)
[docs] def exterior(self, grid, asarray=False): val = self.__call__(grid) if asarray: retval = np.zeros_like(val) retval[np.where(val > 0.0)] = 1.0 return retval else: return np.where(val > 0.0)
[docs]class GridMapBase(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
[docs]class GridMap(GridMapBase): def __init__(self, funcs): self.funcs = funcs
[docs] def __call__(self, grid): new_grid = [] for f,g in zip(self.funcs,grid): if f is not None: new_grid.append(f(g)) else: new_grid.append(g) return tuple(new_grid)
[docs]class GridSlip(GridMapBase): # Creates a slip or a fault along the specifid plane def __init__(self, p, n): self.p = np.array(p) self.n = np.array(n) self.n = self.n/np.linalg.norm(self.n) self.d =,self.n) self.basis = None
[docs] def __call__(self, grid, direction, amount): # amount is a scalar # direction is a vector that will be normalized # the slip occurs along that vector's projection onto the plane, i.e., it is orthogonal to the normal # the exterior of the slip plane (the part the normal points to) is the part that is modified. d = np.array(direction) d = d/np.linalg.norm(d) dim = len(d) if self.basis is None: basis = [self.n] # Gramm schmidt while len(basis) != dim: c = np.random.rand(3) for b in basis: c -=,c)*b cn = np.linalg.norm(c) if cn > 1e-4: basis.append(c/cn) self.basis = basis[1:] # Project the slip direction onto the basis proj=0 for b in self.basis: proj +=,b)*b # Scale the projection proj = amount*proj # Evaluate the plane to figure out what components of the old grid are shifted. val = self.d + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:x*y,self.n,grid))) loc = np.where(val >= 0.0) # Perform the shift. new_grid = [copy.deepcopy(g) for g in grid] for ng,p in zip(new_grid,proj): ng[loc] -=p return tuple(new_grid)
class Weird(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, p,n, c=None, r=1.0): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) self.r = r self.p = np.array(p) self.n = np.array(n) self.n = self.n/np.linalg.norm(self.n) self.d =,self.n) def __call__(self, grid): if self.c is None: c = np.zeros_like(grid[0].shape) else: c = self.c # Creates flat eye thingies # val1 = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,c,grid)) - self.r**2 # # val2 = self.d + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, map(lambda x,y:x*y,self.n,grid)) # # return 4*val1/np.max(val1)+val2 val1 = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,c,grid))) - self.r**2 val2 = self.d + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:x*y,self.n,grid))) return 4*val1/np.max(val1)+val2 class Hyperbola(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, c=None, r=1.0): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) self.r = r def __call__(self, grid): if self.c is None: c = np.zeros_like(grid[0].shape) else: c = self.c return reduce(lambda x,y:-x+y, list(map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,c,grid))) - self.r**2 class Weird2(ImplicitSurface): def __init__(self, c=None, r=1.0, s=None): if c is None: self.c = None else: self.c = np.array(c) if s is None: self.s = None else: self.s = np.array(s) self.r = r def __call__(self, grid): c = np.zeros_like(grid[0].shape) if self.c is None else self.c s = np.ones_like(grid[0].shape) if self.s is None else self.s return ((grid[0]-c[0])**2)/s[0] + ((grid[1]-c[1])**1)/s[1] - self.r**2 #reduce(lambda x,y:-x+y, map(lambda x,y:(y-x)**2,c,grid)) - self.r**2 # FIXME #if __name__ == "__main__": # # import numpy as np # import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl # # from pysit import * # # x_lbc = PML(0.0, 100.0) # x_rbc = PML(0.0, 100.0) # z_lbc = PML(0.0, 100.0) # z_rbc = PML(0.0, 100.0) # # xmin, xmax = 0.0, 20 # zmin, zmax = 0.0, 10 # nx, nz = 500,250 # # x_config = (xmin, xmax, nx, x_lbc, x_rbc) # z_config = (zmin, zmax, nz, z_lbc, z_rbc) # # d = Domain((x_config, z_config)) # # grid = d.generate_grid() # grid = grid[0].reshape(d.shape).T, grid[1].reshape(d.shape).T # # p1 = ImplicitPlane((0.0,4.0),(0.0,-1.0)) # p2 = ImplicitPlane((0.0,6.0),(0.0,1.0)) # # w1 = Weird((0.0,5.0),(0.0,-1.0), (10,5)) # w2 = Weird((0.0,6.0),(0.0,1.0), (10,5)) # # w3 = Weird2((10,4),1.5,(-100.0,1.)) # w4 = Weird2((10,4),0.5,( 100.0,1.)) # # band = ImplicitIntersection(w1,w2) # band = ImplicitIntersection(p1,p2) # band = ImplicitDifference(w3,w4) # # g = GridSlip((10.0,5.0), (1,0.5)) # d = (0.0,-1.0) # a = 0.5 # new_grid = g(grid,d,a) # # # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(band(grid)) # plt.colorbar() # # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(band(new_grid)) # plt.colorbar() # # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(band.interior(grid)) # plt.colorbar() # # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(band.interior(new_grid)) # plt.colorbar() # #